So - did I buy an R7?

Wey aye - course I did! | 5/2/2023 | Comments: 5
For years, I've told anyone that would listen (and some who just wouldn't!) that I much prefer "pro" or battery-gripped camera bodies - I've got literal sausage fingers, and need as much real estate for my indelicate digits ... Read More
Categories Gear, Trips


Up close and personal with some impressive military kit... | 22/9/2022 | Comments: 1
There's an airfield in Northumberland, built in WWII, which is now a popular private venue for light planes and the odd small helicopter. It also works with the UK military as a refuelling drop-in for (in the main) helicopters on manoeuvres ... Read More
Categories Trips

Fast jets in The Lakes

Awww! Bad news, Jo - no squirrels..! | 4/6/2022
I finally got over to the Lakes (Ullswater) with Mowbray on Tuesday. The climb up to the viewpoint we'd decided on very nearly killed him (I honestly thought I'd be driving him home, and we were seriously making a point of checking for phone ... Read More
Categories Trips

The Lakes

Making a mess of shooting military stuff... | 27/3/2022
Markie and I had a look over to Thirlmere this week (22 March), in the hope of getting onto some military aircraft coming low across the lake. The attempt didn't start well. We'd planned to shoot from a vantage point called Raven Crag near ... Read More
Categories Trips

More about R5 AF stuff

Cracked it..? | 20/11/2021
I wrote yesterday about the fact that my new R5 was demonstrating a very worrying characteristic - it would not acquire focus on anything even remotely lacking in contrast. And indeed, even when there was more than enough to be getting ... Read More
Categories Gear

My new canon R5

Yeah, it had to happen, I suppose... | 19/11/2021
New gear motivates me. I'm not ashamed to admit it, either: but for all that, I don't chuck money at kit haphazardly - there's always a reason, a rationale, behind any significant new purchase. And so it is with my new R5.  Much ... Read More
Categories Gear

It's all about the prop blur

These aren't my best, but at least it's photography... | 31/10/2021
My buddie Mark and I were at the Eshott Airfield Fish & Chipmunk Day yesterday (30 October) - a get-together intended to mark the almost airworthiness of their newly-restored Chipmunk trainer. The idea was that planes from around the UK - ... Read More
Categories Trips

Yes, I still take pictures

It's been a slow year... | 20/4/2021 | Comments: 1
Contrary to appearances, I'm as enthusiastic about my photography as ever, but - what with Covid (which has prevented my photography Other Half Mark and I from travelling - or even associating) and fishing (which I've been doing with my pal ... Read More
Categories Trips

Hope springs eternal

Time to get out with the camera again? | 12/2/2021
Although I grudgingly accept that wildlife photography isn't considered "exercise" under the current lockdown rules (even though, as I can attest from personal experience, it involves a great deal more physical effort than does ... Read More

Lockdown ennui

I support it, I don't have to like it... | 4/4/2020
In the absence of a vaccine, the only way to stop Covid-19 is to stop its spread, and it is right and proper that we all play our part in that by limiting our visits to the outside world to an absolute minimum: and in particular, not going out ... Read More